Our Services


Comprehensive Eye Exams

Let us partner with you to protect your vision so you can enjoy better quality of life. Maintaining quality vision and eye health is our goal.

Using the most advanced digital imaging technology, the Optomap, we can capture 200 degrees of high-resolution image of the retina to better evaluate conditions of the eye (or body) that can result in loss of vision. Our ophthalmic team will also assess other structures of your eye and gather information to understand how your eyes work and function together to see your world. Through refraction, we will determine where light focuses on your eye and if eyeglasses, or alternative options, will help you see better. If your exam shows any abnormal findings, your eye doctor will discuss with you the next steps for further testing or treating.

Contact Lens Consultations

As each eye is shaped differently, it also sees differently. Contact lenses can provide a less restrictive and more comfortable alternative to eyeglasses so that your eyes can keep up and see better in the world that you engage with. A comprehensive eye examination will be performed to assess your eye health and visual needs first, then your eye doctor will work with you to find the lens that gives you the best comfort and vision to function in your environment most effectively.

If you have never worn contacts before, our team will patiently guide you through the care and inserting of your lenses.

Eyers On Lake Steven lenses

Contact Lens Fitting

If you’ve already had a comprehensive eye examination within the last 3 months and are curious about contacts, we’d be more than happy to have you back to explore some contact lens options.

Dry Eye Management

Dry eye occurs when there is a disruption in homeostasis of the tear film. For some it’s caused by not producing enough liquid tears, also called aqueous fluid. For others it’s caused by increased tear evaporation, due to a lack of the oil layer of the tear film.

Decreased Tear Production Causes

  • Aging – majority are over 50
  • Gender – higher prevalence in females due to hormonal changes
  • Certain medical conditions – autoimmune disorders
  • Certain medications – antihistamines, decongestants, and medication for high blood pressure, acne, birth control and Parkinson’s disease
  • Previous nerve damage caused by contact lens wear or laser eye surgery.

Increased Tear Evaporation Causes

  • Oil glands are not functioning properly
  • Blinking less often – commonly caused by computer work
  • Eyelid problems
  • Eye allergies
  • Environmental factors such as wind, smoke, dust, or dry air

How do I know if I have Dry Eyes?

  • If you experience any of the signs and symptoms below, your eye doctor can further evaluate your tear film and eye health to help diagnose dry eyes.
    • A stinging, burning or contact lens/eyelash sensation in your eyes
    • Sensitivity to light
    • Eye redness
    • Fluctuating vision
    • Excessive tearing or discharge
    • Difficulty wearing contacts
    • Tired eyes and blurry vision
    • Blinking clears up the vision momentarily
    • Eye pain
  • If left untreated, it can increase the risk of eye infections and cause damage to the surface of your eyes. Such complications can reduce quality of vision and quality of life.
Dry Eye management

What Next?

As each person’s dry eye cause varies, so will the treatment approach. There are different levels of intervention in treating dry eyes, as well as things we can do in our environment to help prevent it. From home therapies to in-office procedures, we can help tailor the treatment for the cause of your dry eyes to gain better quality of vision and better eye comfort. Don’t wait until your dry eye symptoms are not manageable. Please ask us for more information at your next visit!


TearCare is a system that applies localized heat therapy to both the upper and lower eyelids for the treatment of dry eye caused by Meibomian gland dysfunction. The heat melts the clogged oils in the Meibomian glands, which is then manually expressed and cleared from the glands. Results can be quickly seen with symptoms minimizing in the course of a week.

LASIK and Refractive Surgery Comanagement

Have you tried glasses and contact lenses and it still frustrates you? Refractive Surgery is a highly effective, permanent alternative that has given millions of people more freedom from glasses and contact lenses. We comanage with leading Ophthalmologists in this field to deliver the best pre and post-operative care for you. Ask us which is a good option for you!


LASIK – Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis – is the most common refractive eye surgery today for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Within minutes, an ophthalmologist uses a precise laser to reshape the eye’s cornea to improve vision. It is quick, with little to no discomfort during and after the procedure. Visual recovery is fast and downtime is minimal. 90% or more of patients see 20/20 or better the next day and are able to go back to most all routine, daily activities.

LASIK can also help reduce the need for reading glasses in patients over 40 who need bifocals. With an approach called mono-vision, together your eyes will have the ability to see both distance and near without glasses.


Though most people are candidates for LASIK, some are not able due to thin corneas, previous corneal scarring, irregular topographies, or other conditions. In these cases, PRK – photorefractive keratectomy would be a better alternative to help maintain the integrity and health of the cornea post-surgery.

With PRK, the surface of the cornea is gently removed, and the same laser used in LASIK is used to reshape the cornea in PRK. A bandage contact lens is placed on the eye for 4-5 days for comfort as the epithelial layer heals. Though visual recovery is slower, the procedure is performed within minutes and vision at 3 months is comparable to LASIK.


ICL - Intraocular Contact Lens procedure may be able to treat patients with corneal conditions that might not qualify for laser eye surgery, such as keratoconus, or higher and more complex prescriptions. The surgery is reversible and usually takes 10 minutes per eye. First, a small incision is made in the edge of the cornea. Then, the lens is rolled up and inserted through the small incision. Finally, the lens slowly unfolds inside the eye and is gently maneuvered into position, sitting between the iris and natural crystalline lens of the eye. Recovery is quick and usually painless. Patients can usually resume most all daily activities the morning after the surgery.


RLE and Cataract Surgery

Are you in your mid to late 50’s and want to be free of bifocals? At this age, your natural crystalline lens has already started to malfunction and it is not able to give you the best quality of vision due to early cataracts (clouding in the lens) and the eye’s inability to hold focus. With RLE – Refractive Lens Exchange or Cataract surgery, your malfunctioning lens is replaced with a new, clear, multifocal lens. It is a permanent solution to bifocal glasses and can help gain the quality of vision you need to perform the daily activities you want with so much more freedom and comfort at distance and near.

Eye Care Team

Medical Office Visit

A medical office visit allows our doctors to evaluate, diagnose and treat various ocular emergencies such as corneal abrasions, red eyes, foreign body sensations, and contact lens-related complications, to name a few.

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